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Overcoming Backsliding

It is has been quite a while since I've been active on this blog. So much has happened, but I thank God that through it all He has been faithful. I am glad to be back here and share some of lessons along this journey of faith. I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to use this blog to encourage, convict, and inspire you to live out the salvation that our Precious King Jesus died for on the cross. Before I commence this blog, I want to remind you that the Christian walk is a journey, it is a steady race, and it is a fight of faith. You may have given your life to Christ in a a sweet and serenading moment, where you felt the warmth and love of Christ embrace you. Tears may have billowed down your cheeks as you lifted your hands in surrender and proclaimed your love for Jesus.  But then what happened next? Some of you may have continued on the upward trend of the sweet parts of your new found relationship with Jesus however, many of us may have been met with battles and even the old ma
Recent posts

Knowing Your Identity

  Have you ever felt like you didn't really know who you were at a certain point of your   life? One thing is for sure, there are two entities trying to vie for your identity. God and the enemy. Your identity simply defined is 'what makes you, you' To further break this down, the dictionary definition of the word is "  condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; the qualities, beliefs, etc., that distinguish or identify a person or thing..." , in Latin, iden(tiem) is defined as something that can be seen "again and again" meaning that one's identity is seen consistently developed overtime! I belive that God's definition of our identity is the same from the time of Adam and Eve. He created us with a unique identity in him, but the enemy who is the father of all lies (John 8:44) tries to get us to believe that we are something that we are not! God's word clearly identifies those who are his as "trees of righteousness, the

You were Created with a Purpose.

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The Christian Baddie - The Proverbs 31 Woman, Hannah, Ruth, and all Dem!

Just a Peng Pic I love... Don't mind it continue reading.  Hi ladies! My message to you is short and simply:  BE THE CHRISTIAN BADDIE . Yesss, I said 'baddie.' What I want us to all know is that as women, we were all created with a God-given Grace that's a special gift from God. We are all created as beautiful beings, and it is up to us to fully activate and step into our God-Given Beauty! So I know that the word baddie, as urban dictionary defines it , is a " girl who is super attractive. She slays whether she’s wearing a tight dress or sweatpants. She’s usually slim thick and has all the curves in all the right places. She’s also a little bit sassy which makes her that much more attractive." But what if you don't fit that description? Are you then not considered a baddie? What if you don't like tight dresses that amputate your breathing circulation? And sweatpants? Really? (Okay bet Urban Dictionary, but y'all better not switch up

No More Jealousy Allowed!

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You Vs. You ( Get Out of the Way!)

Lord, how did I get to this place? I have found that a lot of the times, my struggles and pain stem from my own doing: my own hard-headiness and deliberate ignoring of the word and revelation of God. There comes a time in our lives when we know that we can choose not subject ourselves to things, people, relationships, etc.. because we know they are not good for us. They only bring us misery and confusion. But yet we still choose to involve ourselves, why? Well, one answer is fear and self-destruction. I am a firm believer that we are all equipped with the ability and knowledge to engineer our worlds to be beautiful. To make decisions that not only benefit us individually, but to also make decisions that better the world around us. What hinders us from growing into the beautiful beings that God created us to be is our fear to let go of our past, experiences, and negative societal norms. We then let ourselves sink into our sorrow and allow it to permeate every aspect of our

Falling in Love with Jesus

For me, love for God means being able to completely accept him into my life. Before really understanding this type of love, I have had to surrender all that I am to him in every aspect of my life from my finances, academics, relationships, and personal battles. This hasn't been an easy process, and I still struggle with it today. But falling in love with Jesus has been the best decision I've ever taken. Here is a brief account of my testimony:  It was 8pm in a hot church sanctuary in London and that night I felt the spirit of the lord fill the room. From the beautiful breakout of praises from the choir and congregation to the cold breeze I would feel pass through me every time the prophet raised his hand, I knew that night that God was going to visit me. Leading up to that August night, I had spent the entire month of July ferociously praying and asking God to take over my life. I'd had enough of the life I was living before that. I had alway felt like I was going