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Knowing Your Identity

Have you ever felt like you didn't really know who you were at a certain point of your   life?

One thing is for sure, there are two entities trying to vie for your identity. God and the enemy. Your identity simply defined is 'what makes you, you'

To further break this down, the dictionary definition of the word is " condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; the qualities, beliefs, etc., that distinguish or identify a person or thing..." , in Latin, iden(tiem) is defined as something that can be seen "again and again" meaning that one's identity is seen consistently developed overtime!

I belive that God's definition of our identity is the same from the time of Adam and Eve. He created us with a unique identity in him, but the enemy who is the father of all lies (John 8:44) tries to get us to believe that we are something that we are not!

God's word clearly identifies those who are his as "trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3 KJV).  In the Holy Scriptures, God repeats how he sees us according to his divine planning of creation, even emphasizing in Jeremiah 29:11 that he knows the plans he has for us, plans of peace, and not evil, to give us a future and expected end. Clearly, God knows who we are, so why do we find ourselves in places where we are confused about who we really are?

I believe the voices we lend our ears to each day play an enormous role in how we identify ourselves. We can either be listening to ourselves, the enemy, outside voices, or the voice of God. With these different voices at play in our lives, we have to find ourselves rooting our identity in Christ and what His word says about us and not what the enemy tells us we are. 

In 1 Corthinians 14:10 KJV the Word of God says, "There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification." The voices you entertain carry a lot of weight, whether that's the voice of failure, bitterness, confusion, and voices outside of the voice of God! The devil's agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), and so don't be surpised if he tries to tell you that you are something that you are not! He doesn't want you to fulfill your purpose because it is a threat to his kingdom. 

I want you to picture this scenario for a moment, two kids, two different fathers, and one exam. The first kid has a father who is very encouraging, he reminds him all the time of his dreams of becoming an astronaut, everytime before an exam, his father prays over him and declares success and the Word of God over his life. Now picture the second kid, he is someone who grew up in a single parent home. His father and his mother never really saw eye to eye, so his mom decided to leave him at home with his father, and she left with his baby sister. Everytime the second kid goes for an exam, all he hears is the voice of the enemy telling him how much of a failure he is and that his mom propbably left him with his father beause she knew his fate was to be a nobody like his father. When this kid goes for any exam, he dad tells him, " You better not fail again! I don't want to keep paying school for a dumb kid."

Which one of these kids do you think will fulfill purpose in life? Of course, the first kid. Why? Because his earthly father invests in praying for him and reminding him of his purpose, identity, and the will of God for him as a child of God. And for the second kid, all he hears are the voices of comparison, failure, and confusion. Unfortunately, because his parents are not operating in the will of God, they are not able to reinforce the identity of God upon the life of their son, so the enemey is able to attack the second kid's identity. 

So today, I want you to pause, and I ask yourself, what is my identity? Do I identify myself based on a lie? Does who I call myself align with who God calls me? (The only way you can truly know this is to ask God himself and read his Word (THE BIBLE)) What dreams did you have , that you know are from the Lord, but you have abandoned because they don't make a lot of money or they don't fit in with today's culture? Today, I want to ask you to re-examine things! And Go to God in Prayer!

One thing I know is for sure, GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE (Numbers 23:19). If God says anything about you and me, it means it is a fact. PERIOD. NO MATTER what the devil, logic, science, or the world says!!

Comment below, where has the enemy attacked your identity?


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