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You were Created with a Purpose.


    Have you ever thought to yourself: "What's my purpose in life? Why was I created?" Maybe you even prayed and asked God what exactly He intended when He created you. One thing that I want you to understand is that God created you with a purpose. No matter who you are, what you look like, and where you come from, we were all created by God and He is the master planner of our lives. He knit us together in our mother's womb and clothed our bones with skin and flesh. 

    It is important for us to understand that if we are going to live a fruitful and meaningful life we have to encounter and have a deep revelation about who God created us to be and why He brought us to earth in the first place. I want you to understand that no matter what it is that you may be going through whether it be the lost of a loved one, an extreme addiction, financial instability, or even a season where you feel like you have lost all purpose and hope, I want you to understand that God has a plan for you. And His plan for you includes His Salvation, Deliverance, and Vision.

    When I reflect on the story of Job, a rich farmer from the Land of Uz, I am taught that one of the biggest  opposers of us living a life full of confidence and revelation of the purpose that God created us with is CONFLICT. This word conflict can be defined as tension, an interruption in the course of a good thing, a problem, or even an uneasy event. I've realized that when a series of conflicts arise in our lives, we begin to question the very vision that gave us. If we are not strongly anchored in the revelation that we, individually and collectively, were Created with and For a Purpose, we begin to question ourselves and even start losing the hope and motivation that we had to get up each day and face the world that we live in. 

    Maybe you got in a fight with a loved one, and they told you that you were never going to amount to anything. Maybe you've let life get you and no you feel like just falling down and dying. Maybe you placed and defined your purpose by the relationship or even marriage that you have. And now you find yourself in a place where you feel purposeless. As ugly as things may seem, I need you to understand that there is a beauty that God wants to bring out of your life. Even if you've made some mistakes, and I mean saying some big mistakes, there is an All Powerful and Forgiving God who is still looking for a repentant heart to pass His plan through. 

    In Revelations 4:11, the Bible explains to us that all things were created for God and by God and by Him all things have their existence. I want you to reflect and ask yourself, could it be that if God created me for Him that He wants you to be an image of Him while you are on the earth? Could it be that God created you to be that teacher whose students are motivated to go out and change the world because of what they've learned in the classroom? Could it be that God created you to be the mother or father those children need in order to spread the work of His Kingdom on earth? Could it be that He created you to design or create medical machinery that health improve the state of health on the earth?

    I want to encourage you, to ask God what His Vision is for you. Ask Him what His Purpose is for you. And then Hold Unto to it! All of your days here on earth will be meaningful and fruitful if you get a revelation of God's Purpose for you and pursue it. 

Remember this and declare to yourself: I was created for a purpose and for the glory of God! I will fulfill my destiny while I am on this earth in Jesus Name!

The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." The Lord has plans for you! Start walking in those plans, you will see the manifestation of His Glory in your life in Jesus Name!


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