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Meet Aluwet!

Who is Aluwet?

    I am currently a sophomore at Georgetown University. I am double majoring in International Business with a regional focus in Africa and Finance. I am also double minoring in creative writing and entrepreneurship. I am from South Sudan, and I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. 
First day of Sophomore Year... all smiles and giggles before reality hits lol (I'm surviving!)

I've always been passionate about learning. I love to learn about literally anything ranging from the many mysteries of life, how relationships successfully function, and what self-love and care are actually supposed to look like.

I am a Christian woman, and my spirituality influences how I interact with people and approach the many obstacles we all face in life. I believe that my calling as a young christian is to impact the world through business and empowerment of disadvantaged groups such as minority entrepreneurs and young women in world of business.

Through this blog, I hope to reach anyone has ever felt that they never had a space to go to on social media and experience a developmental and fruitful dialogue. I believe my experiences have helped me learn about myself and life lessons. I hope to express myself and to also express the voices of those who feel silenced!

*Subscribe and get to know me! *


  1. Hope to see many great things come from this blog. Very excited for what's to come!

  2. Wow, you're a gorgeous queen. Truly inspirational. Can't wait to hear your story and follow your journey.


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