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The Christian Baddie - The Proverbs 31 Woman, Hannah, Ruth, and all Dem!

Just a Peng Pic I love... Don't mind it continue reading. 

Hi ladies!

My message to you is short and simply: BE THE CHRISTIAN BADDIE. Yesss, I said 'baddie.'

What I want us to all know is that as women, we were all created with a God-given Grace that's a special gift from God. We are all created as beautiful beings, and it is up to us to fully activate and step into our God-Given Beauty!

So I know that the word baddie, as urban dictionary defines it, is a " girl who is super attractive. She slays whether she’s wearing a tight dress or sweatpants. She’s usually slim thick and has all the curves in all the right places. She’s also a little bit sassy which makes her that much more attractive."

But what if you don't fit that description? Are you then not considered a baddie? What if you don't like tight dresses that amputate your breathing circulation? And sweatpants? Really? (Okay bet Urban Dictionary, but y'all better not switch up the definition! Social media and all these trends being having us CONFUSION) Anyways... I digressed.

Have you ever considered what God's definition of a 'baddie' was? Cause you know he being using our cultural terms in spiritual terms so that he can reveal his way to us? ( BET y'all didn't think about that. Did ya? Nope. )

God's definition of a baddie, was revealed to me after many years of my own failed- attempts of trying to be socially accepted as "bad." I remember when I was in middle school and high school. I strived to become this "Social Media Baddie" that everyone would know. I would take those famous mirror pictures with me leaning to one side to give off the hour-glass figure or sometimes partially sitting on the sink so that I can appear thiccccc (with 5 extra Cs lol....Baba we tank you for deliverance and your mercy).

After a while, I got exhausted with trying to keep up with this woman I was trying to portray myself as because it was honestly not me! Fishing for compliments from strangers and men who I didn't even know had become so unhealthy and detrimental to my sense of livelihood and my identity in God.  I lost sight of the beautiful woman God created and intended for me to be:


* Definition of Grace: "The Undeserved, Unearned, Unmerited Favor of God."* (Quick Plug for Pastor Mike Todd's "Grace Like a Flood" Series)

In Proverbs 31, we see the description of a woman who I believe exemplifies what it truly means to be a Woman of God. She is beautiful, hopeful in the future, she is wise, and she takes care of those around her without even thinking twice. And the things I've mentioned here are a just a few things  that reveal this woman's beauty.

Hannah, another Christian Baddie, stepped out in complete Faith and dared to ask God for the unthinkable. She asked him for a child, even in her old age,  and after what seems like years, God grants her heart's desires. Hannah Hoped for the Things that many would Think Impossible.

I would like note that Hannah's co-wife, Peninnah,  represents the negative thoughts and attacks from the enemy that exist in our world! Even though Peninnah  was a woman like Hannah, she ridiculed her and put her down instead of uplifting her. And as a result, Hannah began to doubt God and loose self-esteem.

Take a moment and ask yourself who in your life represents a negative spirit like Peninnah? Or are you being a Peninnah to another fellow woman who is going through a tough season?           

As women, we have to be reflective on our actions and the effects they have on other women. We have to really be the first source of love and encouragement to other women because when they get in the world and face social media trends and images of beauty.

Beauty comes from within: Make Room in Your Heart for Beauty

For me, I have had to completely  surrender my heart, thoughts, and body on to God. Arriving to a point in which I truly felt beautiful came when I knew I was created in God's image and likeness. Really know that by being God's creation I'm beautiful has really helped me own & express my beauty.

Possessing a beautiful heart really takes Heart Pruning, which is cutting all the bad from your heart and making room for purity. You have to analyze your thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, and intentions. Are you judging others? Thinking negatively of yourself and the world? Are you ill-intentioned? Self-righteous? or even Self-Justifying? All of these things can take away from your beauty if you let them ! Why not be joyous and know that God has gifted and blessed each and one of us in our own way ?

I want you to know:
Women are the Crown of Creation. 

God, literally, created us last and put us as the final touch to his perfect creation! (Literally, women are the icing on the cake, or the cherry on top, like the SEASONING to a very Tasty stew!! (Lol, you get it).  (Please see Genesis Chapter 2)

So please invest your efforts in taking care of your relationship with Jesus and soak yourself in the covering of his salvation! You are loved, please stop living like you were created to be some objectified commodity for the pleasure & enjoyment of Men!

Christian Baddie, Pray these Words & Declare Your God-Given Beauty:

                      Father, as You say in your Word, You created me as a Beauty.
                      I thank you for your unfailing love and care. Father, I am your daughter.
I am Yours.
                      Please mold me into the beautiful woman. You created me to be. Allow me
                      to love others as You have loved me. And to testify that in-deed we were all
                      created beautifully.


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