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Showing posts from June, 2022

Knowing Your Identity

  Have you ever felt like you didn't really know who you were at a certain point of your   life? One thing is for sure, there are two entities trying to vie for your identity. God and the enemy. Your identity simply defined is 'what makes you, you' To further break this down, the dictionary definition of the word is "  condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; the qualities, beliefs, etc., that distinguish or identify a person or thing..." , in Latin, iden(tiem) is defined as something that can be seen "again and again" meaning that one's identity is seen consistently developed overtime! I belive that God's definition of our identity is the same from the time of Adam and Eve. He created us with a unique identity in him, but the enemy who is the father of all lies (John 8:44) tries to get us to believe that we are something that we are not! God's word clearly identifies those who are his as "trees of righteousness, the